Quick Start

A one page tutorial to use AppservR.


AppservR runs your Shiny apps using your system installation of R. You need to have R installed on your system to use it. You will also need the shiny package and all other R package your apps need. Learn more about Shiny →

Download & Install

Get the latest AppservR executable for your platform on Github. You will need to chose the download option suited to your platform.


To install, just uncompress the archive at a location of your choice.


AppservR is a command-line program with a web graphical user interface. Most settings can be configured using only the web interface, which means that you do not need to access the server to configure a new Shiny app.

Start a terminal window in the directory where AppservR executable file is and then type:

./appservR serve 

Go to http://localhost:8080. You should see a running sample app (the classic Shiny’s Old Faithful Geyser Data, with a twist). If not, see below.


When you run AppservR for the first time, it will create in the the same directory as the executable file:

  • a config.yml configuration file,
  • an apps folder containing a sample Shiny app,
  • a SQLite database file holding apps and users settings.

Settings which require restarting the server to take effect are defined in the config.yml file. Other settings can be changed via the web interface.

Configuration file

config.yml configuration file is created in the same directory as the executable file, and allows setting the port and host to listen on, the location of the Rscript executable, etc. It is populated with default settings which should work for most users.

In particular, AppservR will look for the Rscript executable at the default installation location for your platform. If it is installed elsewhere, you will not see the sample app when navigating to http://localhost:8080, and you should set the appropriate location in the config.yml file.

Web interface

Go to http://localhost:8080/admin to access the admin interface.

You will first need to register as a user via the login > signup form. The first user to sign up is registered as an admin user.

After you have created your admin account and successfully logged in, you can configure existing or new Shiny apps at http://localhost:8080/admin/apps. Several apps can live on the same server and be accessed using the path you configure.

On each app configuration page you can see also the console output of the R session used to run your app, which can be useful to troubleshoot issues.

Go further

Check our tutorials on more advanced uses of AppservR. Recipes →